Friday, April 19, 2024

Fr. Marvin's Reflection

April 21, 2024

In today’s gospel, we are reminded of Jesus as the Good Shepherd.  This image of Jesus is profoundly comforting, symbolizing his unwavering love and care for all of His followers. His willingness to sacrifice himself on the cross demonstrates the depth of his love, offering redemption and new life to all who believe in Him. We are encouraged today to trust in his guidance and protection, knowing that as a Good Shepherd, Jesus leads us to an abundant life in His grace.

 Jesus knows His sheep, and those who follow Him know His voice and place their trust in Him.   How have you allowed the Lord to Shepherd you and your heart? Have you been listening to His voice and following Him?

 Today is also the World day of prayer for Vocations. I invite you to pray in a special way for the young men in our parish to be open in discerning God’s call to the priesthood for the Diocese of Norwich and to the consecrated life especially with the Capuchin Province of Saint Mary.  I also ask that you pray for the young women of our parish to be open to discerning the call to consecrated life especially with our various religious communities in our Diocese.

 In Christ,

Fr. Marvin